Date of Last Revision: 2023

BigCommerce wants to help you better understand how we collect, use, protect, and share your personal data. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand your privacy choices when you visit our site, access our mobile app, or use our services. It does not apply to other websites or services that we do not control, including websites or services of other BigCommerce users.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and forms an integral part of, the BigCommerce Terms of Service. Capitalized terms have the meanings ascribed them in the Definitions section or our Terms of Service. Please note that our services may vary by region.

We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully and take the time to get to know our practices. If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at



  1. Information Types.
    • “Account Information” means data about how and when a BigCommerce account is accessed and the features used, including Store Information.
    • “Browser Information” means provided by a browser, including the IP address, the website visited, network connection, device information, and other data, including Cookies.
    • “Contact Information” means basic personal and business information, such as first and last name, company name, email address, postal address, phone number, and may include social media account information.
    • “Device Information” means information about your device, such as device ID number, model, and manufacturer, version of your operating system and geographical region, collected from any devices when accessing our website, using the Mobile App, or any of our services.
    • “Payment Information” means, for example, credit card, ACH or other payment information.
    • “Security Information” means user ID, password and password hints, and other security information used for authentication and account access.
    • “Store Information” means information about your store, its products, and its architecture.
    • “Support Information” includes information about your hardware and software, authentication data, chat session contents, error reports, performance data, and other communication or technical information and may, with express permission, include remote access to facilitate troubleshooting.
    • “Transaction Information” means the data related to transactions that occur on our platform, including product, order, shipping information, Contact Information, and Payment Information.
    • “Usage Information” means information collected when you interact with the BigCommerce website, mobile application or any of our services, including functionalities accessed, pages visited, and other interaction data.
  2. Automated Decision Making” means a decision made solely by automated means without human involvement.
  3. Controller” means an entity that determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data.
  4. Cookie”  means a small file that resides on your computer’s hard drive that often contains an anonymous unique identifier that is accessible by the website that placed it there, but is not accessible by other sites.
  5. Merchant” means an entity that has used or is using the services for ecommerce.
  6. Mobile App” means the BigCommerce Mobile Application available through third-party app stores for mobile devices.
  7. Partner” means a separate legal entity that is a participant in our Agency Partner Program, our Technology Partner Program or other third-party technology integration with the BigCommerce platform, a theme designer, reseller, or referrer of the services.
  8. Personal Data” means information that (i) relates to an identified or identifiable natural person, or (ii) identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household.
  9. Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon Personal Data, whether or not by automatic means, including, but not limited to, alteration, collection, organization, recording, retrieval, storage, transmission, and use.
  10. Processor” means the entity which processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.
  11. Sensitive Personal Data” means any data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, or data concerning health or a natural person’s sex life and/or sexual orientation.
  12. Shopper” means an entity or natural person that interacts with the ecommerce offering of a Merchant through the BigCommerce platform.


  1. Merchant Policies. Merchants should help Shoppers understand how the Merchant, BigCommerce and relevant third parties collect and process Shoppers’ Personal Data. To that end, Merchants must:
    • post an accurate privacy policy on their storefront that complies with all applicable laws and regulations;
    • process Personal Data in accordance with applicable laws and, to the extent required under such laws, provide notice to and obtain informed consent from Shoppers for the use and access of their Personal Data by BigCommerce and other third parties; and
    • if the Merchant is collecting any Sensitive Personal Data from Shoppers, obtain affirmative, explicit, and informed consent and allow such Shoppers to revoke their consent to the use and access of Sensitive Personal Data at any time.
  2. Information Collected.
    • When a Merchant interacts with our Website, for example, by signing up for a trial, a subscription, or a newsletter or other content, or performing transactions, BigCommerce may collect and control information such as Account Information, Browser Information, Contact Information, Payment Information, Support Information, Device Information, Security Information, Transaction Information, Usage Information and set a Cookie.
    • When a Merchant interacts with our Mobile App, BigCommerce may collect and control information such as Account Information, Contact Information, Device Information, Usage Information and Security Information.
  3. Information Usage. We use this information as a Controller to provide Merchants with our services, confirm identities, provide support such as debugging, troubleshooting, automated decision making such as the detection of fraudulent account creation when signing up for our service, for advertising and marketing, invoicing, to resolve incidents related to the use of our Website and services, to improve and personalize our services, such as push notifications regarding your store activities, and to comply with legal requirements. Subject, where applicable, to confidentiality obligations, we may disclose certain information, including Account Information, Contact Information, Support Information and Transaction Information, to Partners that refer Merchants to us or may be engaged by a Merchant to provide services, apps or products relating to the Merchant’s store(s) or use of our Website and services, or to confirm identities and improve and personalize our interactions and services. We may use this information in other cases as consented.


  1. Information Collected. When a Partner signs up for a partner account or refers a Merchant to us, BigCommerce may collect and control information such as Account information, Browser Information, Contact Information, Payment Information, Support Information, Security Information, and Usage Information.
  2. Information Usage. We use this information as a Controller to provide Partners with our services, confirm identities, provide support, for advertising and marketing, invoicing, to resolve incidents related to the use of our Website and services, to improve and personalize our services, and to comply with legal requirements. We may use this information in other cases as consented.
  1. CCPA Rights. The CCPA provides certain rights to California consumers, including the following:
    • Notice at Collection: At or before the time of collection, you have the right to receive notice of our Personal Data practices and, where applicable, notice that your data may be collected;
    • Right to Know: You have the right to request that we disclose certain details to you about the Personal Data we collect, use, or disclose, as well as about our data practices, including the categories of Personal Data have collected from you in the past twelve (12) months and categories of third parties with whom we have shared it;
    • Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that we delete certain Personal Data that we have collected from you;
    • Right to Non-Discrimination: We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these rights.

    These rights are not absolute, and there may be cases when we decline your request as permitted by law. Further, if you are a California resident and a Merchant, Partner or Visitor, we generally only collect and process Personal Data about you as a result of your business dealings with us. This may limit the extent to which consumer rights under the CCPA apply to you. If you are a California resident and a Shopper, BigCommerce only processes your Personal Data as a service provider acting on behalf of a Merchant. You should contact the Merchant to exercise any rights under the CCPA.
  2. Selling or Sharing. BigCommerce does not “sell” Personal Data. BigCommerce also does not “share” Personal Data as defined by California law for purposes of cross-context behavioral advertising or unauthorized third party direct marketing purposes. In accordance with this Privacy Policy, we may share Personal Data with authorized service providers or business partners who, where necessary based on the nature of the sharing and purpose for which the Personal Data was provided, have agreed to contractual limitations as to their retention, use, and disclosure of such Personal Data. We may also share Personal Data if you use our services to interact with third parties or direct or otherwise authorize us to disclose your Personal Data to third parties.
  3. Information Collected. As set forth in this Privacy Policy, we collect the following types of information from you, your device(s), or from third parties:
    • identifiers, such as Browser Information, Device Information, and Security Information;
    • commercial information, such as Account Information, Contact Information, Transaction Information, and Usage Information;
    • internet or network information, such as Browser Information and Device Information;
    • geolocation data, such as Browser Information and Device Information;
    • financial information, such as Payment Information;
    • other Personal Data, such as Support Information; and
    • information derived from other categories, which could include your preferences, interests, and other information used to personalize your experience.

    We may disclose this Personal Data to the categories of third parties and for the business purposes described in this Privacy Policy, such as disclosures to service providers that assist us with securing our services or marketing our products.
  4. Exercising Your Rights. To exercise your rights under the CCPA, please refer to Section 15 and use this form or contact us at
  5. Do Not Track.Because there is no common understanding about what a ‘Do Not Track’ signal is supposed to mean or how it should be interpreted, our website does not respond to such signals in any particular way.

 Children. As a general rule, our services and website are not targeted toward children or those under the age of majority under any applicable law. We do not knowingly collect the Personal Data of children, or use it in a manner not permitted by the U.S. Children’s Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). If you are a parent or guardian and you believe we have collected information from your child in a manner not permitted by law, please submit a data subject request under Section 15 or contact us at We will remove the data to the extent required by applicable laws.

Updates. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in response to changing legal, technical or business developments. When we update our Privacy Policy, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make. We will obtain your consent to any material Privacy Policy changes if and where this is required by applicable data protection laws. You can see when this Privacy Policy was last updated by checking the “Date of Last Revision” date displayed at the top of this Privacy Policy.

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